Cronix Namespace
Type | Description |
CalculateTimerArgs | Calculates the timer argument function signature. |
CalculatetOccurrenceAt | The calculates the occurance at time function signature. |
ChangeArgs | The change time argument type |
CreateTrigger | Creates new trigger function signature. |
CronExpr | The cron expression. |
Fire | The fire trigger function signature. |
IScheduleManager | Manges the job schedules. |
IScheduleManagerHub | Schedule Manager hub. |
ITrigger | Describes the trigger. |
InitPlugin | The init plugin function signature. |
InitService | The initialize service function signature. |
Install | The install function signature. |
JobCallback | The trigger callback delegate |
OccurrenceAt | The occurance at type |
RunService | The run service function signature. |
Schedule | The schedule function signature. |
ScheduleManager | Mannages the scheduled jobs. |
ScheduleManagerCommand | Describes the schedule mannager commands. |
ScheduleParams | The schedule params type. |
ScheduleState | The schedule state type. |
ServiceProcessAdapter | An adapter responsible for starting, stopping and shutting down the cronix service. |
Start | The start function signature. |
StartupHandler | The startup handler delegate. |
StartupHandlerState | The startup handler state type. |
StartupScriptState | The startup script state type. |
Stop | The stop function signature. |
TimerCallback | The trigger callback delegate. |
TriggerDetail | The trigger detail dto. |
TriggerFactory | The trigger factory. |
TriggerName | The trigger name. |
TriggerOption | Describers the trigger options. |
TriggerServices | The trigger service facade. |
TriggerState | Describers the trigger state. |
UnSchedule | The unschedule function signature. |
Uninstall | The uninstall function signature. |
Module | Description |
BootStrapper | Module responsible for cronix service initialization. |
Compiler | Module responsible for compiling the startup.fsx script. |
Dsl | |
Messages | Module responsible for generic messages. |
ProjectInstaller | Module responsible for installing, uninstalling and starting up the cronix service |
Scheduling | Module responsible for managing the job schedules. |
Triggers | Module responsible for triggering the jobs. |
Cronix.Web Namespace
Module | Description |
Hubs | Module responsible for signalr hubs. |
WebPlugin | Module responsible for webui plugin functionality. |
Website | Module responsible for nancy settings. |
global Namespace
Module | Description |
AppSettings | Module responsible for getting configuration settings. |
Logging | Module responsible for handling logging |